"If It’s Possible To Turn Your Child Into A Genius By Age 6?"
With only 5 minutes of fun-filled lessons a day?The answer is “YES!”
According to Glenn Doman, a brain development pioneer and international
best-selling author of the Gentle Revolution Series. By following a simple
daily program in a relaxed and loving way, you will enable your child to
experience the joy of learning-as have millions of children the world over.
Who is Glenn Doman?
Glenn Doman received his degree in physical therapy from the University
of Pennsylvania in 1940. From that point on, he began pioneering the
field of child brain development. In 1955, he founded The Institutes For
The Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia. By the early sixties,
the world-renowned work of The Institutes with brain-injured children
had led to vital discoveries about the growth and development of well
children. Glenn Doman has lived with, studied and worked with children
in more than 100 nations, ranging from the most civilized to the most
primitive. The Brazlian government knighted him for his outstanding
work on behalf of the children of the world.
Why is early childhood education important?
All babies have an insatiable appetite to learn. Between birth and six
years of age, the ability to absorb information is unparalleled, and the
desire to do so is stronger than it will ever be again.
Here Is The Proof
Throughout history there have been isolated but numerous cases of
people who have actually taught little children to learn the most
extraordinary things including math, foreign languages, reading and
encyclopedic knowledge by appreciating and encouraging them. In all
the cases, the results of such preplanned home opportunity for
children to learn ranged from “excellent” to “astonishing” in producing
happy, well-adjusted children with exceptionally high intelligence. It
is significant that these children had not been been found to have high
intelligence first and then been given unusual opportunities to learn,
but instead were simply children whose parents decided to expose
them to as much information as possible at a very early age.
Finally, we have automated the learning process, using the
GeniusMakerTM to make it as fun and quick as possible both for
parent and child.
What is the Glenn Doman Methodology?
The Glenn Doman teaching method uses 11”x11” flash cards that
you use to show to your child in short intervals and in quick
succession while saying it in a clear loud voice. You can teach your
child math and equations using dot cards. You can teach your
child how to read using words or phrases on your cards. If you
have pictures and words together, you can also train your child
to have encyclopedic knowledge.
"Now You Can Unleash The Genius Of Your Child Faster Than
You Thought Possible!"
The GeniusMaker™ has been developed after thousands of
hours of development and testing and in consultation with the
childcare experts, educational experts and child psychologists.
With the GeniusMakerTM you can ;
Make learning math and reading fun for your child | |
Educate and bond with your child at the same time | |
Multiply your child's intelligence | |
Give your child a head-start in life | |
Guarantee your child's academic success | |
Enhance your child's creativity and imagination | |
Instill in your child a passion for life-long learning | |
Never worry about your child's performance in school | |
Create a more confident and intelligent child | |
Ensure your child's success in life | |