The most important when we surf an internet are reading an articles! But how many of our read the whole word without skip it.
How to go from 240 wpm (the average reading speed in America) to 1,200 wpm – without skipping a word! (Reading 960 words a minute faster means reading 57,600 more words in an hour... or about 190 extra pages in a novel!) This method will enable you to “out-read” and “out-learn” your competitor – and in the process, catapult your business or personal career to the success you deserve.
Here I help you to bring your skills to the next level with what I’m calling...
Would you try to fly an airplane without training?
Probably not! But reading a book is far more intricate than flying an airplane. So why go on learning and reading with tools that haven’t changed much in the past 100 years (reading is still taught the same way it was taught in the early 1900’s) instead of giving your brain the tools it needs to get the job done quickly and effortlessly?
...But the fact is, nobody can take responsibility for your reading skills but you. If you decide that you want more speed, more comprehension... that you want to use your brain more effectively so you can remember what you read... that you want to eliminate troubling learning blocks and stop worrying about tomorrow... you can have the successful life you deserve. I’ll show you how.
Or, you can decide to do nothing. Accept the limitations of being a slow reader. Trust your fate to the techniques you learned in school that only deliver results to a small percentage... and leave the rest of us confused, frustrated and anxious.
Only you can decide if your life – and the educational accomplishments you depend on – is worth 13 cents a day and a few hours of your reading time.
I strongly recommend that you give Speed Reading Secrets a chance to give you the reading skills you deserve. I hope to be welcoming you to our speed reading family today.